
Alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies.Alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant solutions and associated services for a wide variety of energy sources, including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal and wind, and it offers a wide range of solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids.

DNV GL in the energy industry
In DNV GL we unite the strengths of DNV, KEMA, Garrad Hassan, and GL Renewables Certification. DNV GL’s 2,500 energy experts support customers around the globe in delivering a safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy supply. We deliver world-renowned testing, certification and advisory services to the energy value chain including renewables and energy efficiency. Our expertise spans onshore and offshore wind power, solar, conventional generation, transmission and distribu¬tion, smart grids, and sustainable energy use, as well as energy markets and regulations. Our testing, certification and advisory services are delivered independent from each other.Learn more at

EnergyVille verenigt de onderzoeksinstellingen KU Leuven, VITO en imec voor onderzoek naar duurzame energie en intelligente energiesystemen. Onze onderzoekers leveren expertise aan industrie en overheden op het vlak van intelligente energiesystemen in de stedelijke omgeving - zoals smartgrids en geavanceerde warmtenetten. EnergyVille brengt onderzoek, ontwikkeling, training en industriële innovatie samen onder een naam, in nauwe samenwerking met lokale regionale en internationale partners.
Enexis verbindt meer dan 2,6 miljoen huishoudens en bedrijven met hun energieleverancier. Wij spelen in op de toenemende energiebehoefte met slimme, innovatieve en duurzame oplossingen. Enexis wil de vraag naar en het aanbod van energie zo goed mogelijk op elkaar afstemmen. Dat doen we door communicatie tussen het energienetwerk, huishoudens en elektrisch vervoer mogelijk te maken.
KIC InnoEnergy
KIC InnoEnergy is the European company dedicated to promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and education in the sustainable energy field by bringing together academics, businesses and research institutes. Our goal is to make a positive impact on sustainable energy in Europe. We do this by creating future game changers with a different mind-set, and bringing innovative products, services and successful companies to life.- We provide acceleration services to start-ups and ventures by supporting entrepreneurs with their business ideas, strengthening their business models, building expert teams, and providing access to finance.
- We support innovation in the field and bring innovative ideas to life that have a positive impact on sustainable energy in Europe.
- We provide Master´s and PhD educational programs that deliver knowledge and skills to students and managers that will shape the future of the energy sector.
KIC InnoEnergy is one of the first Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) fostered by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). We are a commercial company with 27 shareholders that include top ranking industries, research centres and universities, all of which are key players in the energy field. More than 150 additional partners contribute to our activities to form a first class and dynamic network that is always open to new entrants and furthers our pursuit of excellence. Although we are profit-oriented, we have a “not for dividend” financial strategy, reinvesting any profits we generate back into our activities.

KIEN (Knooppunt Innovatie Elektrotechniek Nederland) is the starting point for innovation in electrical engineering. Here science, education, government and trade and industry are joined together to clarify the critical role that electrical engineering plays in important social developments. KIEN initiates, stimulates, facilitates and specifies electro technical innovation.
Alliander is a holding company with, through its daughter companies Liander and Endinet, the license to operate networks for the distribution of electricity and gas covering about one third of the Netherlands. The electricity grids include low voltage (400 V, 200 V), medium voltage (10 kV, 20 kV, 3 kV, 6 kV) and high voltage (50 kV and, to a small extent, 150 kV). The power transformers that connect the distribution and sub-transmission networks to the voltage levels of 110 kV and 150 kV are owned and operated by Alliander (Liander).Three million clients are connected to the electricity grids with a total length of about 90,000 km and 2.4 million clients are connected to the gas grids with a length of about 40,000 km (length of the mains without the individual connection leads).
The most salient developments are related to the energy transition. In particular to cover the adaption of the energy distribution grids to the increase of renewable energy sources, to the strongly fluctuating energy flows and to the changing technologies for heating purposes. Such developments require flexible, innovative and smart solutions. In addition the interference with the direct environment and the spatial restrictions in a crowded country as the Netherlands place challenges to the DSOs in managing the existing routes and locations, besides arranging new routes and new locations.
Alliander’s position is exactly located at the crossing of all the technological, societal, economical and political transitions, by being in connection to all stakeholders.

Wereldleider op het gebied van hightech kabels en systemen voor energie en telecommunicatie, met een omzet van circa € 7 miljard in 2013. Prysmian Group is wereldwijd actief met de merken Prysmian en Draka, met dochterondernemingen in 50 landen, 91 fabrieken, 17 R&D-centra en ongeveer 19.000 medewerkers.
Stedin zorgt als onafhankelijk netbeheerder voor betrouwbare, veilige energievoorzieningen- en transport, nu maar zeker ook in de toekomst. Wij beheren gas- en elektriciteitsnetten voor onze 2 miljoen klanten.
TenneT is een toonaangevende Europese netbeheerder (Transmission System Operator, TSO) die werkzaam is in Nederland en een groot deel van Duitsland. In Nederland worden onze activiteiten uitgevoerd door TenneT TSO B.V. en haar dochterondernemingen. De taken in Duitsland worden uitgevoerd door TenneT TSO GmbH, TenneT Offshore GmbH en hun dochterondernemingen. Wij zorgen voor een betrouwbare en ononderbroken elektriciteitsvoorziening aan de 41 miljoen eindgebruikers in de markten die we bedienen. TenneT streeft ernaar om te voldoen aan de behoeften van haar belanghebbenden door verantwoordelijk, betrokken en verbonden te zijn.Gold

ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 145,000 people.
Dutch Power
Dutch Power verbindt met succes ondernemende partijen in de energiesector. Samen komen zij tot kennisdeling en technologische innovatie. Dutch Power is daar hét platform voor.
About HyTEPSHyTEPS is founded in 2007 by managing director Jorlan Peeters. Central in our organization of HyTEPS is our team of highly educated, qualified and enthusiastic colleagues. The HyTEPS team delivers knowledge, service and technological innovative solutions to improve the energy efficiency and optimize the power quality at our clients.
What we do
HyTEPS is aware of the consequences of the growing need for energy: rising energy prices, a decrease in the amount of available energy, and stricter laws and regulations. We offer companies our knowledge and several technological solutions, systems and products for measuring, monitoring and improving energy consumption and Power Quality. Besides that, we organize trainings, courses, and lectures on how companies can prevent or solve problems concerning energy usage in the future.
What we stand for
HyTEPS wants to contribute substantially to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2). Therefor we offer our knowledge and product solutions to companies effective on energy savings, monitoring and quality. The environment will be spared, but companies are also assured of efficient and reliable energy. With our help, a lot of power quality problems have been (re)solved recent years, as well a lot of electric energy saved.

Smit transformatoren
Utilities and industrial engineers the world over trust in the products made by Starkstrom-Gerätebau GmbH, Regensburg (SGB) and its subsidiaries Sächsisch-Bayerische Starkstrom-Gerätebau GmbH, Neumark/Sachsen (SBG), AM SGB Sdn. Bhd. Nilai/Malaysia, Royal SMIT Transformers B.V., Nijmegen/Netherlands and SGB-USA, Inc. The SGB-SMIT Group has become today’s number one medium-sized manufacturer of transformers in Europe. Our customers find us a trustworthy and reliable partner who is not above facing and even solving difficult tasks. Growing with the challenge, believing in the progress of development and designing the perfect transformer for every customer have been the key mottos of our company philosophy for more than 60 years.
Netbeheer Nederland - the Association of Energy Network Operators in the Netherlands
Netbeheer Nederland is the association in the energy sector representing the interests of national and regional electricity and gas network operators in the Netherlands. The association stands for a safe, reliable and affordable energy system, that facilitates the transition towards a sustainable energy supply.Network operators have two main tasks: they facilitate the smooth functioning of the market and they manage the physical infrastructure of the transport network.
Netbeheer Nederland promotes a dialogue between governmental bodies and market participants on the contribution network operators can make towards realizing a successful transition to a sustainable energy supply. Netbeheer Nederland consults with the regulator about how gas and electricity supply can be maintained and extended at socially responsible and efficient levels. Security of supply and safety are predominant considerations in this endeavor.
In addition, Netbeheer Nederland organizes consultation between market parties on adjustments needed to facilitate the smooth functioning of the free market. On behalf of network operators, Netbeheer Nederland makes proposals for the adjustment of the legally established regulations and procedures for, among other things, network tariffs. Netbeheer Nederland also proposes the general terms and conditions for network connections and energy transport.

TNO is an independent research organisation that employs some 3,000 specialists. We believe in the joint creation of economic and social value. We focus on transitions or changes in five social themes: Industry; Healthy Living; Defence, Safety & Security; Urbanisation and Energy.Innovation with purpose is what TNO stands for. We develop knowledge not for its own sake, but for practical application.

Important dates
31 October 2014
15 November 2014
Extended abstract submission
15 December 2014
1 January 2015
Notification of acceptance
28 February 2015
15 March 2015
Full paper submission
15 April 2015
Final acceptance of full papers
29 June - 2 July 2015
PowerTech 2015 Conference